
A lot has happened since I last cared to post… in Jan 2022.

Our divorces were both finalized last year and on 20 May 2023, we got remarried to each other at my mom’s house.

My brother is ordained and he officiated the hand-fasting ceremony, with my niece aiding in the ceremony as well.

It was perfect.

Bubs also started a new job last year, and we have just applied for an apartment in Denver, Colorado, where his company is based. And, last year, we adopted a baby bearded dragon, her name is Tandy and she is a hoot!

Sadly, and most recently, we had to say goodbye to Claire, our beagle.

Claire Elizabeth crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 7 June 2023. She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on 28 March 2010. She was a glorious 13 years old. Always the best good girl, she warmed our home and loved to clear a room with her terrible beagle toots. She loved ice cubes and absolutely hated getting groomed in any fashion. There will never be another.

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